A tribute to Uncle Rolland
How many words can be put together to express how much of a blessing you have been to me? This a rhetorical question but yet an answer must be provided to it. The answer is no amount of words can quantify how amazing you are to me and how lucky I am to have met you.
Saturday 10th of May, 2014 happened to be the day we met, meeting a part of my family that I never thought existed. You looked frustrated and desperate seeking to get a place to lay your head low for a while; I had this awkward feeling about you then; I presumed you will be someone with bad intentions. How on earth did I even think like that? I guess humans always misjudge good intentions or probably because the way you sounded from that exhausting search that did not get you what you wanted, but today I get to realize that it wasn't about the search, God wanted us to cross paths. I was skeptical about helping but thanks to God I eventually did. Thinking about it these days, what will my life be like without you being a part of it? I wish everyone on earth gets the opportunity to meet you.
Getting to know you have taught me to act, speak, and project what is right at all cost, your words “the truth will always lead you right” has been my watchword. I wish our leaders learnt from you. With more of you, the world should expect nothing less but the best. Imagine a world where we all care about each other — a world of Evans Rolland.
You redefined diligence to me, your spirit of always turning every result into good rubbed off on me. I remember the day I told you how scared I was as regarding an exam, those words you spoke to me not only helped me during my exams but still rings whenever I am faced with challenges, they work like magic. You drummed into my thick skull these words “results are what others see but walk through the process in endurance having faith that victory is yours, you have better days ahead". You made me have confidence and see reasons to believe in myself, saying "Jessie if others can, you can do the same, they aren't better than you."
The lovely memories we had together, times we spent seeing movies, you made me like LION KING, you always repeat after Simba as if you wrote the script of the film. The time we spent fixing up grandma's roof, making sure everything is placed where they belong to match her taste. The moment we spent visiting your girlfriend, I would sleep in the couch while you will both fix the house, and I will pretend to have a cold to keep my lazy ass from working. Moments we spent in church teaching kids in church what love is all about. Uncle Rolland, you are irreplaceable, words can't express what you mean to me, but at least it would mean something to give it a try. Continue to rest in peace till we meet again.
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