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Tributize offers 50% discount on online memorials for all previous customers of
As you know Gonetoosoon has shut down its online memorial site and their service is closed.
We contacted the team responsible for Gonetoosoon and asked them if we could take their memorials and move them to so that they would remain online. Unfortunately, so far we have not been able to get access to the data.
We understand your frustration and sadness at losing your online memorial.
For all previous customers of, we offer a 50% discount on our online memorial service - use coupon G2050
Tributize is committed to preserving your valuable memories and offering a genuine and lasting service.
Learn more about our memorial tributes and see some beautiful examples here
Losing a good friend is never easy, but creating an online memorial can help to make it easier. It's a permanent home for your words and pictures online.
Whether accidental or expected, the death of a pet is tragic. Sadly, this loyal friend who has given us so much love will have to leave us one day.
He purrs by our ear, he looks at us with admiration, he cuddles us, and he makes us happy. Our pet has a special place in our heart. Some grow up with a dog, others get older with a cat, but in any case, at any age, the loss of this loved one can be a traumatic event.
So how can we cope better with these sad farewells?
When your little animal came into your life, you could not imagine the intensity of the bonds that were going to be woven between you. You did not expect to receive so much love, in a joyful and unconditional way.
Yes, if the nicknames "my baby" or "my little boy" slip when we talk to our pet, it is not insignificant. The pet takes an important place in our heart, often in the same way as a child.
Can his loss be as hard as the death of a friend or relative? Absolutely, say clinical psychologist experts. One reason is that the animal loves us as we are; it does not judge us.
During key periods of our life, the animal can play an essential role in the well-being of its master: an animal is a real emotional sponge; it has therapeutic virtues. It can bring enormous pleasure and emotional wellbeing, for example to the elderly and adolescents, "says the specialist.
Create Beautiful Memorial Pages
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Chris Cornell. Why did you have to leave us so soon?
Singer with Soundgarden, Audioslave and Temple of the Dog. Praised as one of the greatest rock singers and musicians of all time, Chris Cornell tragically took his own life in May 2017 after suffering from depression for most of his life. He also battled with addiction to alcohol and drugs.
Look at these sincere, emotional tributes from one of his fans.
Chris Cornell was born on July 20th 1964 as one of six children. His father, Edward Boyle was a pharmacist, and his mother Karen Cornell was an accountant. Chris attended a Catholic school in Seattle before dropping out of school at 15 to start work. By this time he had developed a strong interest in music and he started playing piano and drums - dreaming of one day being a rock star. He worked in restaurants waiting on tables and as a cook before forming Soundgarden in 1984.
By the late 80s he had achieved his dream of rock stardom with Soundgarden. He continued this success with his side project Temple of the Dog, as well as with Audioslave - a band formed with members of Rage Against The Machine.
"If you were a kid growing up in Seattle, you didn't have a hope of ever being a famous musician... we didn't know any.. we hadn't heard of any..and it wasn't until I was in my first band that I realized then.. you know.. kind of in the moment ... probably in the first week..that this was what I wanted to do "
Why not make your permanent tribute page to a man who so many people loved and who we miss every day.
Writing the tribute had its difficult moments. It is difficult to put into words the things my mother means to me, and a lot of the time what I was trying to express seemed clichéd. However, it was also an enjoyable exercise which made me really try and get to the bones of what I love about her, and why she’s so important to me. I was a little nervous about sharing it with her, but also keen to express to her things which I rarely manage to vocalise. It has helped me think about the things I love best, and what they mean in everyday life.
My mum cried when I gave her the tribute. I got her alone and made her put aside everything else, then handed it to her and waited while she read it. I could see her smile starting as soon as she realised what it was, and by the end she was wiping her eyes. She loved the idea of Tributize; she said there’s a desperate need to celebrate each other and think about the best things in the people we love. She didn't say much else about it, but I could feel her happiness all evening, and I left her the print-out of the piece so she could put it away and keep it when she needs to know how special she is.
Writing this tribute for this person that I really love and care about made me emotional and nostalgic due to our physical distance. It made me realize how beautiful it is to not allow negative things that exist to define this world, but instead bring the best of someone, of yourself and all the positive and great things we are given. It made me realize one more time how grateful and cherished we should be as humans, as we can take care of each other and make this world more beautiful by just giving our best.
When I got the response to my tribute it was so special to see how nothing has changed from his side too. It was a while since we last talked and this made him even more surprised to see an actual written tribute to him, to our friendship… He thanked me for every single word that I wrote, and told me how much he appreciates and loves me, that we will forever remain soulmates and meet one day and see how nothing has changed, how these mutual feelings of our friendship will forever last, as the distance and time can’t break us apart because we are connected heart to heart.
At first it was difficult to put into words how I felt, but once I got rolling on the tribute, I got to relive some memories and it made me smile. Brey was a bit shy but really appreciative when I shared it with her.
Writing this made me feel a lot of emotions, from the joy of the good times Chris and I had together, to the more difficult moments, when she had to wipe my tears. I know I can rely on her for everything and I hope she feels the same. After I finished writing, I phoned her to thank her for everything. She was happy and highly emotional.
Writing my Tribute made me feel blue at first. Nice memories came flooding and eventually flowed into tears. However, I felt not just sweet sorrow, but an appeasement as well. I sort of arranged my thoughts and feelings when expressing them. I believe that I filled my debt to them by sharing my history and perpetuating their names.
My mother said that she had a lump in her throat when reading this Tribute as the picture came alive before her eyes. She thinks that such a way to honor somebody can help you treat your family or friends better, here and now. Being grateful aids in understanding what are the main things in life, what you should appreciate the most. She felt proud and happy because of the way I fixed our special memories.
I enjoyed my experience writing on Tributize. It helped me go back to a place where I usually avoid going, but I find that it was very therapeutic for me to dig deep and get centered with how I really felt. I don't always talk about my mother to people, but I am so happy to share what a wonderful person she was with the public. When I showed my post to my grandmother, she cried tears of joy and gave me a hug and kiss. I'm glad that I made her happy and gave her a look into my real feelings. A Tribute is a family remembrance party. We need to celebrate those both living and gone more often and this is the perfect social media platform to do it!
Writing the tribute made me feel many emotions. It made me feel both happy and sad. I laughed and cried while recalling the wonderful memories that I had. I shared the tribute with my grandmother and she really loved it and cried tears of joy. She feels happy that I let it all out and tapped into how I really felt.
This website is a great platform to show gratitude to people, experiences and important memories in an individual's life. I had a great time writing the tribute as it was easy to express what I feel because of the reason behind it. Overall, it was a great experience because it is different from other platforms in the sense that people from different walks of life can read the tribute and like it. They can be inspired as well with other people's tributes.
At first I was a bit uncomfortable because I was forced to recall moments of my past that were painful, but after getting into it and while writing it felt really good to have all of that on paper. There are things in that tribute I've never said to my mother out loud and it felt good. My mother teared up and hugged me upon seeing the tribute. All in all it was an amazing and unique experience
While writing the tribute I felt energized and simply happy. I was grateful for having my sister, and I thought everything in the world was right. I started crying when I was describing her illness, but I felt better immediately as I kept on writing. The most important, I felt love towards her and I was feeling loved in turn. When I showed her the tribute she was excited to read it, and she had a beaming smile. She thanked me and said she liked it. She also loved the pictures I chose.
I enjoyed writing the tribute! It was a nice way to express my feelings towards my boyfriend and let people see it without it being as public as a typical social media outlet. At first I was worried the words wouldn't come to me, but they flowed easily once I got started!
When I showed it to Tim, he didn't expect it, to say the least! It really touched him and he got teary eyed, but I didn't point it out to be nice. He did give me a big hug and nearly suffocated me with it, so I think it got the message across quite well
Tributize is an awesome idea for a social site. An online, living monument to whatever you want. Reading through the pages is almost like walking through a memorial garden, except that garden has been built by friends, family, and strangers around the world
Celebrate the life of a loved one with a memorial page. It's an online home for your memories. The perfect way to remember someone special. Forever.
Making an online memorial page is a great way to remember a loved one who has passed away. It’s much more than an online obituary; it’s a beautiful tribute to celebrate a life.
You can share memories of loved ones, and capture stories which otherwise might be lost forever.
Our website emphasizes the joy of life, not the sadness of losing someone.
You can create a page to remember all the good times and add pictures, anecdotes, and video clips. You can share the page with friends and family as a lasting memorial.
If you’re stuck trying to write a tribute then look at our tips here, and don’t forget that with Tributize you can start with a few words and edit and extend your tribute whenever you like.
Whether it’s a funeral tribute to a friend, or a eulogy to a family member, you can easily create a meaningful sincere tribute that really lasts.
Our Tributes are a fitting, interactive way to keep memories alive and celebrate people who have passed on.
It’s a special place for you and for everyone who wants to pay their respects to come together and share a life lived well.
Say it before it's too late, say it to make the people left behind feel great.
This memorial page to Queen Elizabeth is an example of a page created using our Memorial Builder. It's really easy to use and as you enter the details and choose the pictures, you will see the memorial take shape.
At Williamson College, we believe in cultivating uncommon leadership that goes beyond the ordinary. Our approach to leadership focuses on character, integrity, and an authentic call to serve others based on the nature and character of God. With a passion for transforming the world, we honor and recognize those who have exhibited this unique leadership quality at the annual Uncommon Leadership Awards Dinner.
Our Uncommon Leadership Awards is a recognition bestowed upon individuals who have demonstrated extraordinary leadership qualities. These leaders have shown courage, character, and conviction while prioritizing the needs of those they lead. Through servant leadership, they have uplifted others and made a significant impact in their respective fields.
If you can't find what you need here then please contact us and we will respond as quickly as we can.
How It Works
You can read and comment on the tribute pages without registering, but if you want to write a tribute then you need to register first.
You need to register for two reasons. Firstly because it helps us to avoid spam postings. When people register with a real email address or via a Facebook account then they normally do not post spam. Secondly, registering means that you can edit your tribute at any time - once you are logged in then you will find an edit link at the top of your tribute page.
As a logged in user, you will also have access to all your tribute pages in one place (My Profile on the User Menu at the top right).
How do I register?
Fastest and easiest is to just click on the Facebook or Google link on the login form. Otherwise you can go to the register link on login form, enter your email address and choose a username and password. You don't have to give any other personal details. A confirmation link will be sent to the email address which you enter.
I did not receive a confirmation link via email
Please check your email spam folder. If you did not receive an email then please contact us giving your username and we will investigate and respond as quickly as we can.
How do I write a Tribute?
You can look at our Getting Started page for some help.
If you need help or have questions then please contact us - we are here to help!
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1. Community Standards
Tributize is a platform where people write and share online memorials. A memorial tribute is by definition something positive, something good, something nice that you write about someone. We ask that the memorials that you write, the comments that you make about memorials, and any other communication on or via the Tributize platform, help to maintain this spirit of positive , respectful writing. We reserve the right to edit your content if we believe that is does not conform to these standards. If we are made aware of content that is controversial or sensitive then we may remove it or limit the audience that sees it.
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Read more …Terms and Conditions
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If you have paid via Stripe then you can edit your page by going to My Tributes ( and entering your email address and the receipt number from Stripe. The receipt number will be e.g. 1234-5678
If you paid via PayPal then log in, and go to the page that you have created. You will see an 'edit' link at the top under the title. Click on this link and you can edit the text on the page, add photos to the gallery or add a video link.
If you paid via Stripe then use the My Tributes link at the top of the page or search using the search at top right.
If you paid via PayPal then either
1) go to and you will see your pages under the 'My Pages' tab.
2) search for the page using a keyword in the search bar at the top under the menu.
We use PayPal
Totally. Just ask for your money back within 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
No. All payment is handled securely by PayPal. We do not receive or store any credit card details.
We have free and paid options. Please see the pricing page for details.
The idea with Tributize is that you write nice things about people that you like. We call these pages ‘tributes’. If you like someone or something, then you can write a tribute to them. The page can celebrate the life of someone who has passed away, or say thanks to a special friend or relative.
To add a comment to a page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see the comments box. Add your comment here and your details and then click on 'submit comment'. Please note that your email address will NOT be published, it is private. Your comment may not be published immediately as we often check posts to remove spam entries, so please check back later.
Still not sure? Don't forget that we offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Simply ask for a refund within the first 30 days and we will give you an immediate full refund.
No questions asked.
No small print.
No costs deducted.
Why not get started now?
It all started more than 20 years ago.
I had been to the funerals of two family members within a couple of years. The first funeral was for my uncle who had died in his seventies, and the next was for my grandmother who had lived into her early nineties.
These were the first funerals that I had attended and I was prepared for a sad occasion.. but what surprised me was how interesting it was to hear stories and learn new information about my relatives.
The role that my uncle had played in the Second World War, or discovering that my grandmother had always wanted to be a florist.
I learned so much and was able to appreciate my relatives in a new way, but it also seemed such a pity to learn these things when in some ways it was already too late.
More importantly, I wondered if these stories would be forgotten? how could they be preserved?
More than ten years later the idea came back to me. How to preserve and share these valuable memories to keep them alive?
I looked at the existing online memorial websites and found them to be old-fashioned and depressing so I set to work building a new platform.
Many people still 'pay tribute' to their departed friends and family on Facebook, but these memories soon disappear in the news feed to be forgotten.
So Tributize started in 2014 with the goal of creating a platform where users can 'pay tribute' to important people in their lives. The platform offers online memorials with an easy to use interface, and a personal service if needed.
I promise to keep your memories safe, and to treat you fairly and honestly.
Our goal is to create memorials to great people.
I hope that I can welcome you as a customer and help to preserve your memories online.
James Smith
Tributize CEO and Founder
November 17th 2017:
Tributize has developed a global online platform for people to share tributes to their loved ones
November 10th 2017: Tributize Revolutionizes the eCard with Tribute Pages for Loved Ones. Click here to download the press release.
This piece is from 2014 and we just came across it. It goes a long way to explain why we created Tributize - to fill a huge gap in a very important market!
When Personal Tech Columnist Geoffrey Fowler's friend passed away, he volunteered to make a memorial website. It proved difficult to find decent options to honor the dead.
"I wanted to allow people to share their digital memories"
"Mourning is a core human experience in dire need of some new digital ideas."
"I tried a dozen online memorial services and found most only frustrated me"
"None of the services could help me make a truly beautiful tribute"
"The sense of reverence many of the services built into their templates—clip art of doves or setting suns—didn't fit with my friend's raucous personality"
"Seeing decades-old photos and reading childhood stories about my friend for the first time, I gained a new appreciation of him"
Tributize is the best place to celebrate the life of a loved one. It's an online home for your memories. A memorial page which you create, and we look after for you. You can add a picture gallery and even video clips, and your family and friends can add their personal tributes. It's a wonderful way to remember someone special.
Build a lasting online memorial. Our pages are a fitting, interactive way to keep memories alive and celebrate those who have passed away.
21 May 1928 – 23 February 2018
20th February 1977 - 22nd July 2023
October 27th 1954 - August 13th 2020
We know that losing someone you love is hard, but creating an online memorial with Tributize is easy. Our memorial creator is simple to use. As you add details and photos, the preview updates in real time. Try it for yourself. No registration needed and you can edit your memorial whenever you like.