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A Soldiers Kind of Love

You died, you all died in war so we can have peace. Our soldiers, how great a love to faithfully stand up to a fight so that a million strangers may live in peace! Every time I play Bruno Mars's song

                                 "I'd catch a grenade for you...”

I do it in your honor.

Love is not love unless it is freely given. This is what makes love to be the greatest risk any man will ever take. Unless we give the person we love the freedom to love back, love ceases to be love and becomes slavery. The risk in loving is the freedom we give.

You took this risk. Like Jesus, you demonstrated love by your deaths. I lack words to explain my new understanding of love. I lack the right vocabularies to clearly elaborate the fullness of its meaning.  How does one die for a country, for people who may never get to know you or appreciate your sacrifice?!

I think parents understand.

I'm willing to take the risk. I'm going to give my family, friends, colleagues and country that freedom. I'm going to take the risk and love as you did, as Jesus did. It may make a difference; it may make me understand this kind of love at a deeper personal level. I will, I will take the risk.

The love you have shown me is the love I now choose to give. After all, love is a choice. I will start by taking care of the ones you left behind in my care, my soldiers. I will reach to as many as I can.

We honor your sacrifice; your sacrifice is forever engraved in our hearts.


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