Ogden High "The Glory Years"
This is a tribute to one of the of the finest football coaches in the history of Ogden High School, Norris (Norrie) O. Johansen. In four years, from 1960-1964, as Ogden High's football coach, his record of 34-12-1 has never been equaled. In 1959 Ogden High won the State Championship under the coaching of Chris Apostal and won again in 1965 with Wilfred (Wilf) Christensen. The State Championship eluded him, possibly because of his strict adherence to team discipline and standards. Only those of us who were members of those teams will understand where I am coming from with this remark.
Ogden High School Football Alumni
Coach Norrie Johanson has requested that we put together a book of memories from former players. Coach Johanson would be interested in your responses to the following questions. (See form below)
Thanks for your help.
Don Owens & Dean Wiese
In order to keep your comments organized we have provided the form below. Copy and paste this form in the comment box below and fill in your responses to the questions. Thanks
What High School Years did you play football at Ogden High School?
Why did you play football?
What position(s) did you play and what do you remember most about those years?
On the positive side, Why did you like Coach Johansen, Christensen, Bott or any other football coaches you had?
When you started playing football at Ogden, was there any person you looked up to and why?
Who were your best friends on the football team and why?
Why do you think Ogden Football was successful?
What is your favorite memory about playing football at Ogden? Favorite Play or Game?
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden?
Once You Left Ogden High School:
Did you continue to play football in college?
What did you learn from Ogden Football that applied to your college football career?
Did you serve a mission, military or any other volunteer position?
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden High School that helped you in your business career or just in life in general?
Is there anything specific that you would like to share?
I hope you are doing well in your new residence. I just wanted to tell you how much you taught me about football and how to treat people in life after football. You had a way of coaching with out yelling or swearing and it made us play harder for you. I really liked the single wing formation we played. It seemed to fit our personnel. It was perfect for Henry to run a 41 pass down the middle We had some real good teams during those years and our success was because of your coaching. You were a pretty good ski coach to. We won the Knutsen Cup every year.
I hope Patty is doing well. I really enjoyed waiting on her when I had Millers Ski & Cycle.
Thanks for being such a great friend and coach.
Dale Miller
What High School Years did you play football at Ogden High School?
’59-’60, ’60-’61, ’61-‘62
Why did you play football?
Playing high school football was simply a continuation of social norms formed in Junior High
What position(s) did you play and what do you remember most about those years?
Sophomore - tackle offence and defense
Junior – tackle offence and defense
Senior – tackle offence and defense
On the positive side, Why did you like Coach Johansen, Christensen, Bott or any other football coaches you had?
A major reason was that their criticisms were result and performance oriented, structural, simple to grasp and impersonal.
When you started playing football at Ogden, was there any person you looked up to and why?
I all ways thought of Wayne Flelix , who was one year ahead of me at the same position , as the one to emulate
Who were your best friends on the football team and why?
Don Owens, and Les Ogden because we had friendships dating back to junior high – where we played 3 years of basketball and football together
Why do you think Ogden Football was successful?
From my perspective, Nori”s system was straight forward , uncomplicated and well worked out with, seemingly, universal application
What is your favorite memory about playing football at Ogden? Favorite Play or Game?
I think we were playing Logan in our senior year play offs, struggling, when with seconds to go before half time when Les Ogden completed a 40 yard pass to Curt Stettler who was standing on the goal line promptly fell into the end zone for a well needed up lift.
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden?
The value of organized sports and commitment to a worthy cause
once you Left Ogden High School:
Did you continue to play football in college?
What did you learn from Ogden Football that applied to your college football career?
Did you serve a mission, military or any other volunteer position?
Yes, mission, and Coast Guard
what did you learn from playing football at Ogden High School that helped you in your business career or just in life in general?
I was very much converted by a Johansen motivational aphorism. In one of our first meetings with Nori he said: “If you gain three yards per down, you will never loose a game.” No flair, flash or panache. One just has to be committed to consistency and show up on every down. Furthermore, “not loosing” is a form of winning. This is a fundamental commitment to life that helped me succeed at nine years of post graduate work, and achieve life’s goals.
Thank You Nori!
What High School Years : 57, 59
Positive Side : Coach Apostol and Coach Johanson. Great coaches who brought us together in 59 (actually fall of 58 ) To win the state championship . First in 42 years
Friends on the team : All teammates plus special friends Glen Richardson, Bruce Samples, Joe Lalli, Roger Baird, Bob McConnell
Favorite Memory : Winning state Championship and all the practices we went through to succeed. Togetherness of all teammates to achieve the championship. It was special.
Any thing I would like to share : A TRIBUTE COACH NORRIE JOHANSON
Now I will call him Norrie since I'm almost as old as he is. When I first met Norrie he was a young man, World History teacher, and football coach. I have a friend named Robert J. Petersen who also played football. (one year younger). Norrie named us Big Pete and Little Pete. Naturally I was Little Pete even though I was older. I guess it was 190 lbs. versus my 150 lbs. He still makes that distinction between us.
In closing Norrie was movie star handsome. All the girls swooned about him and the boys wanted to be like him. playing football Norrie was fun. ( Coaches were big reason we took state) Norrie also has a great dry wit . ( fun to be around) He always knows you when he sees you. Found out today that he has a nickname " ROCKET" (Fits him perfectly)
It has been a honor to know him all these years A SPECIAL MAN !!
What High School Years did you play football at Ogden High School? 1961,1962 & 1963
Why did you play football? Out of all the sports I participated in, football was always my favorite! I grew up near Monroe Park and almost any weekend you could join a group of guys playing tackle football with no pads. No one cared how old you were or what grade you were in. All they cared about was "could you take a hit". Many days I would go home with a bloody nose or a cut lip, but with many good stories of the tackles or blocks I made.
What position(s) did you play and what do you remember most about those years? wingback and defensive back.
Sophomore: 1961 sophomore and JV
Junior: 1962 JV and Varsity (played in State championship game against Highland)
Senior: 1963 Varsity
On the positive side, Why did you like Coach Johansen, Christensen, Bott or any other football coaches you had? I thought coach Norrie's calm demeanor, yet strict enforcement of discipline was why Ogden High football was such a success.
When you started playing football at Ogden, was there any person you looked up to and why? There were a number of guys from my neighborhood who played football. I guess Curt Stettler was the one who impressed me the most to play football.
Who were your best friends on the football team and why? Lloyd Barnes, Craig Anderson, Curt Stettler, Kent Russell and many more. Football was one place where friendships were built.
Why do you think Ogden Football was successful? The coaches emphasized fundamentals and team play. Everyone had an assignment and when they fulfilled them "touch down Ogden"!
What is your favorite memory about playing football at Ogden? Favorite Play or Game? My favorite memory was a catch I made in the Quarter Final game against Orem, which lead to our only score. I wish I could post a picture from the newspaper of the catch.
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden? Leadership is everything, not only being a good leader, but listening and respecting leadership.
Once You Left Ogden High School:
Did you continue to play football in college? Made the Freshman team at Weber State and was getting dressed for the first game and coach Lynn Coorbridge came in the dressing room and asked me if I had taken the ACT test. I said I hadn't because I had attended College before my mission and I didn't need it for admittance into Weber. Wrong! To participate in college athletics you must take the ACT test!
What did you learn from Ogden Football that applied to your college football career?
Did you serve a mission, military or any other volunteer position? I served a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to West Mexico and was drafted into the Army after being dropped from the football team at Weber.
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden High School that helped you in your business career or just in life in general? Throughout my life sports have played an important part of learning and growing. Knowing you can do hard things, things that are not necessarily pleasant and still survive and grow from your mistakes has been a life lesson to me.
Is there anything specific that you would like to share? After being drafted I guess I could have just bided my time in the Army and after two years come home. Football and any sport instills a sense of competition that stays with you through life, wanting to be able to do your best. In Basic Training at Fort Lewis Washington I was trainee of the cycle, the best out of four companies of trainees. Advanced to PFC and was selected for NCO training. I completed NCO training at Fort Benning, Ga. and continued on to Jump School as SGT E5. I went to Vietnam with the First Infantry Division as a platoon Sargent. Received two Purple Hearts and Bronze Star, because of knowing how to lead, and in many cases knowing how to follow and survive.
What High School Years did you play football at Ogden High School? 1956-57-58
Why did you play football? Love for the game and friendships I made.
What position(s) did you play and what do you remember most about those years?
Sophomore Full Back and Line Backer
Junior Full Back and Line Backer
Senior Full Back and Line Backer
On the positive side, Why did you like Coach Johansen, Christensen, Bott or any other football coaches you had? He cared about us as individuals. He helped us to enjoy playing the game.
When you started playing football at Ogden, was there any person you looked up to and why? My father was a good player himself and he believed in doing your best and making no excuses.
Who were your best friends on the football team and why? Brent Hancock, John Reese, Mose Watkins. They played as a team and made us better players.
Why do you think Ogden Football was successful? Yes
What is your favorite memory about playing football at Ogden? Favorite Play or Game? The Iron Horse and the Little Brown Jug games.
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden? To work hard and follow through with your commitment to your team and coach. Also, that winning was not the only reward.
Once You Left Ogden High School:
Did you continue to play football in college? Yes
Where? Weber State
Position? Defensive Line Backer
What did you learn from Ogden Football that applied to your college football career? It's a team sport.
Did you serve a mission, military or any other volunteer position? Yes
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden High School that helped you in your business career or just in life in general? All of the above.
Is there anything specific that you would like to share?
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What High School Years did you play football at Ogden High School?1960,1961,1962
Why did you play football? Because that is what boys did with pride.
What position(s) did you play and what do you remember most about those years,three man,,punter, inside guard/line backer.
sophomore all 4 positions junior.all 4
Senior. same 4 ,co captain with LES, JAY
On the positive side, Why did you like Coach Johansen, Christensen, Bott or any other football coaches you had? All coaches were team men teaching boys the best way to win.
When you started playing football at Ogden, was there any person you looked up to and why?yes, all the upper class
Who were your best friends on the football team and why? all team members were all friends
Why do you think Ogden Football was successful? sophomors played wed,juniors played thursday, seniors played friday,some of us played all three days.
what is your favorite memory about playing football at Ogden? Favorite Play or Game?we were on stage all the time 43 trap/ state finals
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden? team work is every thing, just do your job.
Once You Left Ogden High School:
Did you continue to play football in college?yes ,one year BYU
Position? Same as high school ,same system
What did you learn from Ogden Football that applied to your college football career?team work
Did you serve a mission, military or any other volunteer position?no
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden High School that helped you in your business career or just in life in general?work hard play hard,and have fun.
Is there anything specific that you would like to share?
norrie, you were the right man,in the right spot,at the right time, we thank you.
Les Ogden
What High School Years did you play football at Ogden High School?
1960, 1961 and 1962
Why did you play football?
It was an activity that most of the kids in the neighborhood played in their yards. Adults would take us to Ogden High football games. The interest to play was developed at a early age.
What position(s) did you play and what do you remember most about those years?
The opportunity to play a number of games. Soph (soph and JV) Jr ( JV and Varsity) play-offs It was great opportunity to develop and improve your skills
Sophomore Tailback and defense corner
Junior Tailback and defense corner
Senior Tailback and defense corner
On the positive side, Why did you like Coach Johansen, Christensen, Bott or any other football coaches you had?
Coach Johansen set the challenge are sophomore year. He scheduled a meeting first thing before any practice and let us know the year before they had won the state championship and the Junior varsity and sophomore teams had gone undefeated. We all left the meeting feeling we did not want to be the first losing team in the schools history. I felt confidence in their abilities and understanding of the game and the respectful manner the dealt with players.
When you started playing football at Ogden, was there any person you looked up to and why?
Most of the players I looked up to were lineman who had to bring 100% to every play.
Who were your best friends on the football team and why?
Jay Gardner, Don Owens, Bud Parker and Cully Christensen. They were in my neighborhood and played with thru some Jr. High 8th grade and three years at Ogden
Why do you think Ogden Football was successful?
It had 3 Jr. High schools developing future players. Great coaches and a successful history.
What is your favorite memory about playing football at Ogden?
Playing in the state championship game.
Favorite Play or Game?
Beating Logan High School to get to the state championship
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden?
That hard work pays off. Playing with a clear head focused on every play. Staying positive and supporting others
Once You Left Ogden High School:
Did you continue to play football in college? Yes
Where? Weber State College
Position? Running back and special teams
What did you learn from Ogden Football that applied to your college football career?
Did you serve a mission, military or any other volunteer position? No
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden High School that helped you in your business career or just in life in general?
That success is achieved by helping and supporting those around you because to get most things done when you have learn to work with others.
Is there anything specific that you would like to share?
I felt it was one of the best experience of my life in preparing to deal with all the challenges that come later in life. Winning and losing help you understand and adjust to life the challenges you will face.
What High School Years did you play football at Ogden High School? 1960 and 1961
Why did you play football? I really didn't want to play football as demonstrated my sophomore year. My Dad was disappointed that one of his sons wasn't playing football so the next year I played.
What position(s) did you play and what do you remember most about those years? My junior year, I played "6" end and my senior year, I played blocking back. My senior year, after Johnny Rosas was killed, we were scheduled to play Davis High. Steve McGarry came on a "come back" block and almost decapitated the Davis player. We crushed Davis after losing Johnny.
Sophomore: Didn't Play
Junior: '6' End
Senior: Blocking Back
On the positive side, Why did you like Coach Johansen, Christensen, Bott or any other football coaches you had? Norrie was friendly and always liked to make some joke. His jokes were intended to make you a better player. Wilf was intense.
When you started playing football at Ogden, was there any person you looked up to and why? Brent Smith was from my neighborhood and I always looked up to him. I wore his jersey number in football and basketball.
Who were your best friends on the football team and why? My best friends were Les Ogden, Jay Gardner, Bud Parker and Culley Christensen. Les, Jay and I are from the same neighborhood and commuted together. Bud and Cullley were good friends from Central Junior High days
Why do you think Ogden Football was successful? Ogden was successful because at that time they were one of the largest schools in the state which afforded them an equally large player pool. Team success was due to two factors: (1). On offense, we had about 10 plays and every player knew his assignment. In addition, each play required a double team and trap at the point of attack. It was difficult for a lineman to defend. (1). Our defense was equally simple with very clear assignments.
What is your favorite memory about playing football at Ogden? Favorite Play or Game? See earlier comment.
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden? learned to deal with people of all different colors and backgrounds. All players were trying to work with each other for the goal of the time.
Once You Left Ogden High School:
Did you continue to play football in college? No
What did you learn from Ogden Football that applied to your college football career?
Did you serve a mission, military or any other volunteer position? No
What did you learn from playing football at Ogden High School that helped you in your business career or just in life in general? Se the answer to the question about learning from playing football.
Is there anything specific that you would like to share? Periodically, Even though we lived lived different parts of the country; Les, Jay and I would meet Norrie and Wilf at Davis Park and play a round of golf.