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Tribute To A Great Sister @ 75 And A Friend

Comets, they say, come once in a century. So also you my great sister❤️, friend & a woman of substance.

In the almost four decades of our relationship, I have seen nothing below excellence, proficiency & efficiency both privately & publicly. On the social scene, you are the class act and cynosure of all eyes.
I am proud to gracefully walk the stage with you in all these years.

Therefore, as you enter Life’s Penthouse Level Seven Step Five(75years), may your alluring legs not falter, but remain solid and steady.
My best wishes for you are more grace, continuous usefulness to humanity, wealth of good health and longevity.

Pls always remember that ::::: The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate!!!!!
So a toast to all the Celebrations today dear sis @75 and to future ones.