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With respect

Thursday, 19 January 2017 11:56 , by
My work mate Mr.Nabil el segginy. I owe you too much because you teached photoshop to me and my work friends. You are very helpful and down to earth. You choose to teach us the course for free despite the fact you teach this course in the university as part of your paid work. Thank you very mu...

Coffee Love

Thursday, 19 January 2017 07:20 , by
Coffee wakes me up. It relieves my stress by making every day better. And it tastes wonderful. I love coffee. Anyone who wakes up the morning usually needs a pick me up, something that gives them a jump of energy and happiness. Coffee does just that. You can love Starbucks, your local coffee shop...

Michael Jordan: A Basketball Inspiration

Thursday, 19 January 2017 06:45 , by
Thank you Michael Jordan for giving me the joy of basketball. You gave basketball a new meaning. You inspired millions by showing your passion and dedication to be the very best. You were and are the epitome of inspiration when it came to the basketball court and by what you were able to accomplis...

A Soldiers Kind of Love

Thursday, 19 January 2017 03:14 , by
You died, you all died in war so we can have peace. Our soldiers, how great a love to faithfully stand up to a fight so that a million strangers may live in peace! Every time I play Bruno Mars's song                                 "I'd catch a grenade for you...”...

Spare the Rod - Madam Jane

Thursday, 19 January 2017 02:34 , by
Madam Jane, you lived to witness the pain of motherless children. You took the responsibility and filled the missing 'mum' gap in these children's lives. Above all, you remembered to use the rod lest you spoil them children. Your encounter with Steve was one I'll live to remember. Do you remember h...

The Comedy Genie - Robin Williams

Thursday, 19 January 2017 01:30 , by
“You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it.” This is one of Robin Williams' most famous quotes and it sums up his work perfectly. He made the world laugh in so many ways, on so many days and in any circumstance. His mission seemed to be to help everyone in the world t...

Gender Equality and the Real-World Wizard Fighting for It - Emma Watson

Thursday, 19 January 2017 01:01 , by
“Beauty is not long hair, skinny legs, tanned skin or perfect teeth. Believe me. Beauty is the face of who cried and now smiles, beauty is the scar on your knee since you fell when you were a kid, beauty is the circles when love doesn’t let you sleep, beauty is the expression on the face when ...

Happiness, Friend and Therapist

Wednesday, 18 January 2017 23:57 , by
How strange it is that the things that were punishments when I was a kid, should now be my favourite things. Food, sleep and solitude - my happiness in a nutshell. Hot and comforting. Cold and soothing. Smooth and crunchy. Sweet and sour. Salt and pepper. Creamy everything. I would sell my soul f...

An open letter to my favourite kind of people: Introverts

Wednesday, 18 January 2017 23:18 , by
Dear Introverts  I want you all to know that not every extrovert is too extroverted that they are able to befriend other extroverts. Usually at a time like this many introverted-extroverts are happy that you exist, you are truly our rescuers. Us extroverts sometimes ponder over this Delima of o...

Heroes in Disguise - A Tribute to Teachers

Wednesday, 18 January 2017 23:11 , by
A, B, C, 1, 2, 3 and Newton's laws. How to start a business, how to be successful and how to find your purpose. Confidence, kindness and forgiveness. We learn all these things and so much more from teachers. Teachers...the people that influence how we think, how we feel, how we learn and how we s...
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